AltCode Names

This tutorial enables you to make Altcode names, swearing names, blank names and MOD names.

Anything you can write in. (Like NotePad)

1.) Open up Habbo and your writing program.

2.) In your writing program write the alt code you want such as "ª" (skull).

3.) Go on Habbo and on "make a new Habbo" copy and paste your code into the name box.

4.) Finish making your Habbo as normal.

There are three "Blank" codes which means you can make a Habbo called "JibbiÐ" and it will appear as "Jibbi " making it hard to see if its real or not.

Blank Codes were: "Ð", "Þ" and one other that I can't remember.
Update: Habbo has now changed it to little squares instead of spaces so it comes up as: "Jibbi[]"

ScreenShot of my "MOD-Elux " before and after the patch.

Also this means you can make totally blank names, and by using the Long-Name Script I made this:
Update: Habbo has now changed it to little squares instead of spaces so it comes up as: "[][][]"

ScreenShot of my 31x blank before and after the patch.

Also with the letters: "á" "é" "í" "ó" and "ú" you can bypass the filter such as "Fúck" this used to appear in the "Habbo Console Search as "Fuck" also using this you could make "MÓD-" accounts.
Update: Habbo has now changed it so you see capitals and accents when you search names so now instead of "Fuck" it will appear as: "fúck"

ScreenShot of my "Shag" name before and after the patch.

Random Knowledge:
"MOD-" accounts could also be made when Habbo had a glitch and "MOD-" name were unfiltered.

Search these names on your console:
A good one to do is search "=]" or ":]" they come up with different characters "=ö" ":Ö".
Another one to do is search "[" or "[[" they come up with different characters "å" "åå".
Another one to do is search "\" or "\\" they come up with different characters "æ" "ææ"
Update: These are probably all patched now.

Other stuff:
There are a few names such as "-<Josh>-" and "Wayne_J" that have characters in there name that are now impossible to do.
These are not Alt-Names instead these are names that have been round from before they were made "illegal characters".

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox. Also, feel free to send me that last blank-code!