Drink Index

Public Room Drinks:
In public rooms you are allowed AP to have text after it such as "AP Cola" etc, this is why the "Carrying 0 26" etc work - different items are available in different rooms - here is a list:

[List written and comprised by Shenk and believe me - it took fucking ages.]

  Command: Carrying Status: Places:
Apple juice (Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)/(Gallery Cafe)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Slice Of Life)
Argh AAARGHH (Lido)
Blood Blood-Juice (The Dirty Duck Pub)
Burger burger (Fansite Cafe)/(Habburgers)
Cakes Jaffa Cakes (Cafe Ole)
Chips Fries (Habburgers)
Chips Ice (Sun Terrace)
Chocolate  chocolate (Habburgers)
Chocolate Fairtrade Choc (Ice Cafe)
Chocolate Fairtrade Chocolate  (Safety Spar)
Coconut coconut (Fansite Cafe)
Coconut juice (Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)/(Gallery Cafe)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Slice Of Life)
Coffee Coffee (Fansite Cafe)/(The Library)/(Cafe Ole)
Coffee coffee (Quiz Hall)/(Habbo Cinema)/(Battle Ball)
(SnowStorm)/(Gallery Cafe)/(Ice Cafe)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Chromz)/(Habburgers)
(Slice Of Life)
Coke coke (Chill Out Room)
Coke Cola (Fansite Cafe)/(Quiz Hall)/(Habbo Cinema)
(Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)/(SnowStorm)
(Cafe Ole)/(Ice Cafe)
Coke cola (Gallery Cafe)/(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Chromz)/(Slice Of Life) 
Coke cola drink (Beauty Salon)/(Sun Terrace)
Cola coke (Chill Out Room)
Cola Cola (Fansite Cafe)/(Quiz Hall)/(Habbo Cinema)
(Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)/(Cafe Ole)
(Ice Cafe)
Cola cola (Gallery Cafe)/(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Slice Of Life)
Cola cola drink (Beauty Salon)/(Sun Terrace)
Cola Soda (Habburgers)
Cow Cow (Habburgers)
Drink Protein Shake (Quiz Hall)
Drink water (Safety Spar)
Drink Zaki (Zen Gardens)
Fairtrade Fairtrade Choc (Gallery Cafe)/(Ice Cafe)
Fairtrade Fairtrade Chocolate (Safety Spar)/(Cafe Ole)
Fruit fruit (Fansite Cafe)
Fruit juice (Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Slice Of Life)
Fries fries (Habburgers)
Ice ice (Sun Terrace)/(Gallery Cafe)
Ice Ice-Tea (Chill Out Room)
Jaffa Jaffa Cakes (Cafe Ole)
Juice Juice (Fansite Cafe)
Juice juice (Battle Ball)/(Slice Of Life)
Juice orange drink (Sun Terrace)
Juice Orange Juice (Cafe Ole)
Juice orangejuice (Quiz Hall)/(SnowStorm)/(Ice Cafe)/(Chromz)
Lemon juice (Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)/(Gallery Cafe)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)
Lemon Lemonade (Beauty Salon)/(Lido)/(Sun Terrace)/(Cafe Ole)
Lemonade fizzy (Slice Of Life)
Lemonade fizzy pop (Habbo Cinema)
Lemonade lemonade (Fansite Cafe)
Lemonade Soda (Habburgers)
Lime juice (Rooftop Rumble)/(Battle Ball)/(Gallery Cafe)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)
Milk milk (Habburgers)
Noodles Noodles (Zen Gardens)
Null coming (Safety Spar)/(Quiz Hall)/(SnowStorm)
(Ice Cafe)/(Chromz)/(Habbo Kitchen)
Orange orange (Habburgers)
Orange orange drink (Beauty Salon)/(Sun Terrace)
Orange Orange Juice (Cafe Ole)
Pizza pizza (Slice Of Life)
Red Blood-Juice (The Dirty Duck Pub)
Red energy (SnowStorm)/(Chromz)
Reindeer Reindeer (Habburgers)
Ribena soft drink (Battle Ball)/(Slice Of Life)
Roll Spring Roll (Zen Gardens)
Sandwich Sandwich (Cafe Ole)
Shake Milk Shake (Cafe Ole)
Shake milkshake (Quiz Hall)/(Habbo Cinema)/(Rooftop Rumble)
(Battle Ball)/(SnowStorm)/(Gallery Cafe)
(Ice Cafe)/(The Dirty Duck Pub)
Smoothie Smoothie (Cafe Ole)
Smoothie smoothie (Habbo Cinema)/(Rooftop Rumble)
(Battle Ball)/(Gallery Cafe)/(Slice Of Life)
Soda coke (Chill Out Room)
Soda fizzy (Battle Ball)/(Slice Of Life)
Soda fizzy pop (Rooftop Rumble)/(Gallery Cafe)
Soda soda (Habbo Cinema)/(The Dirty Duck Pub)
Spring Spring Roll (Zen Gardens)
Spring Spring Water (Cafe Ole)
Tea Herbal Tea (Zen Gardens)
Tea Ice-Tea (Chill Out Room)
Tea Tea (Fansite Cafe)/(Cafe Ole)
Tea tea (Quiz Hall)/(Rooftop Rumble)
(Battle Ball)/(SnowStorm)/(Gallery Cafe)
(Ice Cafe)/(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Chromz)
Water Spring Water (Zen Gardens)/(Cafe Ole)
Water water (Safety Spar)/(Quiz Hall)/(Rooftop Rumble)
(Battle Ball)/(SnowStorm)
(The Dirty Duck Pub)/(Chromz)
(Chill Out Room)/(Habburgers)/(Slice Of Life)
With fries (Habburgers)
Void Coming (Welcome Lounge)

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.