Eastereggs and Tips & Tricks in Habbo

Here's a small list of things you may not of known were in Habbo, both historical and current.

User Tools:
The Habbo Chooser
The Furni Chooser
The Performance Tool
The MOD Commands
Other Speach Commands (A few no longer work)
Search By Owner (Navigator/MarketPlace)
Who's In Here? (No longer works)
Finding a Habbo's ID
Searching Habbo UserAccounts
The HabboClub/VIP Rooms

Little Tricks & Bugs:
Cheap/Short HC/VIP Subscription
Invisible Drink
Invisible Lido Soda
Invisible Camera (No longer works)
Invisible Character
Invisible/Black Walls and Floor
Ass-Sliding (Moving While in the Sitting state) (No longer works)
Exploding/Invisible Presents
Old Colours on Mannequin
Sitting In Doorways
Secret Placement Square.
Carrots in the Picnic Area (No longer works)
Jumping Stickers
Permanently Selected Buttons
RooftopRumble: Tag Cam Photos (No longer works)
Lido: Walking on Water (No longer works)
Swim On Land
Respect Arm In Water
Logout Message
Writing on a Full Sticky
Font Character Spacing (10th/30th)
Bypassing the Sticky Character Limit Using Apostrophies (No longer works)

Cricey! Crocodile
HabboHomes Spinning Stickers and Widgets
Abigail Ryan Group (ShockSWF)
Don't spam me, bro!
The Mature Cactus' Description (No longer works)
Hotel Maintenance Pages.
The "Old School" public room (explanation)
The "SnowStorm" game origins (explanation)

Special Stuff:
Monitorimatti (No longer works)
Test Beds
Unreleased Items/Room Sizes (HabboUS)
Snowstom Machines (BR)
Finnish Plasto on HabboUK (No longer works)
HabboUK's first Disco Plaque and HABBO Trophy
Furniture Far Outside of the Walls
Furniture Pile
Wall and Flooring as Objects
The Null Rooms (No longer works)
Evilsm Search Bug (No longer works)
HabboHomes Competition Stickers as InClient Presents.
Disco Room: Floormap error
Disco Room: Random light
Picnic Area: Floormap error 1
Picnic Area: Floormap error 2

The Habbo Chooser:
What: This is a tool that shows a list of all the Habbos in a room (it use to show pets as well but Habbo decided to remove this function, also on the ShockWave client if you were a Non-HC you'd say the command out loud).
How: Without scripting tools you need to be a HC (Habbo Club) member to use this tool, to use if all you do is say :chooser while in a room.
Code: It deems wether or not you can use the tool by using "fuse codes", by sending the code: @bfuse_habbo_chooser(Chr2)(Chr1) to the client you can use the tool.

The Furni Chooser:
What: This is a tool that shows a list of all the Furniture in a room (it use to show the furniture IDs and let you pick up stickies as well but Habbo decided to remove these two functions, also on the ShockWave client if you were a Non-HC you'd say the command out loud), this tool isn't actually that old unlike the Habbo Chooser, Performance tool etc... it was bought out in version 7 (I think?).
How: Without scripting tools you need to be a HC (Habbo Club) member to use this tool, to use if all you do is say :furni while in a room.
Code: It deems wether or not you can use the tool by using "fuse codes", by sending the code: @bfuse_furni_chooser(Chr2)(Chr1) to the client you can use the tool.

The Performance Tool:
What: This is a tool that shows the current frame rate.
How: Without scripting tools you can no longer use this tool (without being a MOD? I assume...) but you use to just have to say :performance while in a room (this feature was probably removed for us normal people because a few scammers were claiming it was a doubling furni tool etc, and we didn't really need it to be honest, do we?).
Code: It deems wether or not you can use the tool by using "fuse codes", by sending the code: @bfuse_performace_tool(Chr2)(Chr1) to the client you can use the tool.

The MOD Commands:
What: These are commands used by moderators to do various things, normal users can use them to but the only thing that happens is a name pops-up.
       If no one is selected you'll get a whisper (from yourself) saying "User not found." (Not tested it on the FlashClient).
       You can put any amount of spaces before any command and any text after it (Not tested this on the FlashClient).
How: Just say one of the commands from the list below.
Code: The code for all of these are written in the external_variables texts and in the client.
History Pre-2003: You could put any text between the semicollon and the x and it'd show up with the users name (eg. ":I_KILL_KIDS_LIKE x").
                  You could also do as many commands in one line as you liked and all would show the name (eg. ":ban x :kick x").
                  Also, you could use multiple xs and all would show the name (eg. ":ban x x x x x x x x").
History Shockwave Client: After they changed it (2004 ish) you could only use the commands normally, so none of the example-bugs above worked.
History Flash Client: Now, you can put anything between the semicollon and x even nothing at all (eg. ":hey x" OR ": x").

The Codes:
:alert x (Message)
- This sends a "Moderator alert" to x with your selected message inside it.

:ban x (Message)
- This bans x with your selected message inside the ban-notice, I'm pretty sure these only issue 2hour bans?

:kick x
- ??? This kicks x from the room.

:shutup x
- This mutes x untill they reload the room.

:softkick x (Message)
- ??? This kicks x from the room.

:superban x (Message)
- This bans x with your selected message inside the ban-notice, I guess this must be perm bans... but it may be 7day bans or something?

:transfer x (RoomID)
- This moves x into a different room.

:unmute x (Message)
- This unmutes x if you've already used the command :shutup on them.

Other Speech Commands:
What: These are commands that you just say (like the chooser/furni/performance tools).
How: Just say one of the commands from the list below.
Code: The code for all of these are written in the external_variables texts and in the client.

The Codes:
:sign [Number] (Sign Index)
- Numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are the corrilating numbers (1 is sign 1 etc);
- Number 11 is the heart sign;
- Number 12 is the skull sign;
- Number 13, 14 is an empty hand;
- Numbers 15 and above (Until 26digit numbers) does nothing;
- Numbers 27digits and over, as well as all other invalid letters/symbols are the 0 sign;

- You must be the owner of the room to use this. It allows you to pick up all the furniture in your room (apart from stickies).

- This makes your Habbo wave [NOTE: The text use to show as a speech bubble but now does not].

- This makes your Habbo give a thumbsup.

- Makes your account "idle".

- Opens the Minimail panel.

- [REMOVED] This opens the "Events" menu.

- [REMOVED] This opens the "Gaming" menu.

- This opens the "Habbo News" menu.

- [REMOVED] It makes the first person (or pet) to enter the room (i:0/H) say the current version and build.
(You use to need to have rights/be the owner of the room to use this).

:tell (UserName) [Message]
- [REMOVED] This whispers to UserName if they're in the room [NOTE: The text wont show as a speech bubble].
- In the new FlashClient all you need to do is click a user and say ":tell " and it'll select there name, if no one is selected it comes up as "null".

:whisper (UserName) [Message]
- This whispers to UserName if they're in the room [NOTE: The text wont show as a speech bubble].

:im (UserName) [Message]
- [REMOVED] This Instant Messages to UserName if they're online and on your list [NOTE: The text wont show as a speech bubble].

Search By Owner (Navigator/MarketPlace):
What: You can still browse the navigator using the command: owner: command; and you can also see the AMOUNT of items (both active & inactive instances) but can't browse the furniture.
How: Just use the following command in the search box: owner: username.
Code: [Not added yet].

REMOVED: Who's In Here?:
What: This is a little notice that pops up to let you know who's in a PUBLIC room.
How: Press the Shift button and Left-Click on the room name.
Code: [Not yet looked into].

Finding a Habbo's ID:
What: How to find a Habbo's ID.
How: The easiest method is to use the HousePhone credit line ID finder.
Code: http://www.habbo.com/habblet/ajax/habboid?countryId=0&paymentMethodId=0&habboIdName=Shenk

Searching Habbo UserAccounts:
What: How to search through usernames off-client.
How: Use the link and change the search word at the end.
Code: http://www.habbo.com/habblet/habbosearchcontent?searchString=Shenk

The HabboClub/VIP Rooms:
What: This is an option that lets you pick "special" room layouts.
How: Without scripting tools you need to be a HC/VIP member to use this option, then go into the Room-o-Matic tool and you'll have these extra layout options.
Old Code: It deems wether or not you can use the tool by using "fuse codes", by sending the code: @bfuse_?(Chr2) you can use this option.
New Code: It now deems wether or not you are able to view these rooms by your userrank, if you set yourself as admin rank you get the snowstorm models as well.

The Crikey! Crocodile:
What: This is an Easteregg that turns your Habbo on the front page (after you've logged in) into a crocodile.
How: Change your mission to Crikey! on the frontpage.
Code: [Not yet added]

HabboHomes Spinning Stickers and Widgets:
What: This is an Easteregg that's been around since HabboHomes first opened, it's a piece of Javascript that spins all the objects on someones homepage.
How: To make it spin you need to double click on the player's avatar.
Code: Java code coming soon

Abigail Ryan Group (ShockSWF):
What: A Group page made for halloween 2008 with a ShockSWF instead of real page widgets.
How: If you leave the page/the boo.SWF for a while it will eventually loop a ShockSWF.

Don't spam me, bro!:
What: This is an alert that appears when you appear to be spamming their server with mission requests.
How: Change your mission five times within ten minutes.
Code: (This was taken from a PrivateServer's source):

REMOVED: The Mature Cactus' Description:
What: The Mature Cactus changed its description in around 2004 (Or a little later...). The new description is about a mobile game released by Sulake in 2004... it's called Habbo Dreams and features crocodiles that eat you if you don't type the letters that appear above their heads.
Code: Were added to the Sprite's Desc(ription) on the HabboUK external texts after the mobile phone game was released.

REMOVED: Monitorimatti
What: This is a tester account/room where "monitorimatti" enters his room every five minutes to check lag etc.
How: Just search for monitorimatti in the navigator and it will come up with the test room (kontrollihuone - "kontrolli huone" means supervision chamber in Finnish), if you keep refreshing you'll notice someone enters the room and leaves every five minutes.
Code: [We'd have to see Habbo's main computers to know this, although possibly it's written into the client]

What: This is a tester account/room where "monitorima-02" enters her room every five minutes to check lag etc.
How: Just search for monitorima0-2 in the navigator and it will come up with the test room (kontrollihuone2 - "kontrolli huone" means supervision chamber in Finnish), if you keep refreshing you'll notice someone enters the room and leaves every five minutes.
Code: [We'd have to see Habbo's main computers to know this, although possibly it's written into the client]

Test Beds
What: These are two furnitures that most people assume don't exist.
How: Just search for HabboBeta in the navigator on the Finnish hotel (.fi) and it will come up with a room called Beta-sängyt!.
Code: [We'd have to see Habbo's main computers to know this]

Unreleased Items/Room Sizes (HabboUS)
What: Here are a list of unreleased items that are viewable in Guest Rooms on HabboEN.

Owner: HP81$
ItemsOwnedBy: HP81$ and J:NICK:C
Contains: Mostly PublicRoom wallparts
Room: NUCLEAR SHELTER (ID: 45483344)
Images: 17/04/12 / ??/??/12 / 19/08/12 / 06/12/12
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: DON'T PANIC (ID: 58119180)
Owner: J:NICK:C
ItemsOwnedBy: J:NICK:C
Contains: Various
Images: 06/12/12

Room: Habbo <3 (ID: 57887040)
Owner: J:NICK:C
ItemsOwnedBy: J:NICK:C
Contains: Various
Images: 30/07/12 / 06/12/12
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: Test (ID: 55330422)
Owner: GPN$
ItemsOwnedBy: GPN$
Contains: elemeri name
Images: 06/12/12
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: habbos RAREST items (ID: [RoomRemoved])
Owner: AndyATW!
ItemsOwnedBy: GPN$
Contains: Various
Images: 26/10/12

Room: Farewell Habbo (ID: 58740378)
Owner: Hilipatihei
ItemsOwnedBy: Hilipatihei
Contains: ads_spiderman_trophy name
Images: 22/01/13
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: lympix room (ID: 58118185)
Owner: Hilipatihei
ItemsOwnedBy: Hilipatihei
Contains: Dumbbell
Images: 22/01/13
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: Testing room (ID: 58519273)
Owner: Hilipatihei
ItemsOwnedBy: Hilipatihei
Room Model: model_snowwar2
Room Contains: Snow Machines
Images: 22/01/13
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: Small room (ID: 58561570)
Owner: Hilipatihei
ItemsOwnedBy: Hilipatihei
Room Model: model_snowwar2
Contains: N/A
Images: 22/01/13
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Room: Tuono-Tabr (ID: 60478638)
Owner: ubergergely
ItemsOwnedBy: ubergergely
Contains: Pepsi/Cheetos/Durex Vending Machines
Images: 22/01/13
Last Checked for updates: 24/01/13

Snowstom Machines (BR)
What: A few lucky users on HabboBR have snowmachines in their guestrooms!
How: HabboBR accidentally released the snowmachines into the catalogue for a short time.
Code: [Coming soon?]

HabboUK's first Disco Plaque and HABBO Trophy:
What: Around 2004 there was a room owned by Herbamania called Rabbit Hole, it housed the first Disco Plaque (Called: Disco Plague) and a HABBO Trophy; the room still exists (View it HERE) and still has the HABBO Trophy... although the owner removed the Disco Plaque soon after he got it... he then added the trophy the day after.
How: It's still unclear how he got these items (This was before the Disco Plaque/HABBO Trophies accidently got added to the catalogue). The rumour at the time is he had a relative in Sulake (I assume that would be "Whatwasit") that created them for him.
Code: Nothing special: DiscoPlaque(poster_56); Gold Habbo Trophy (prizetrophy7*1).
Images/Links: I tracked down a few relivant images/links for you also:
Image#01 - [LOW QUALITY] Habbox's news story (Probably the only image of the DiscoPlague on the wall)
Image#02 - An image I took when the room first got the HABBO Trophy
Image#03 - Example of DiscoPlaque in the catalogue with the wrong name

Also here's two old quotes from sites reporting the news:
Originally Posted on: Habbonet.tripod.com
On the other side Herbamania's 'Rabbit Hole' blasts out to be the 2nd most popular room on Habbo Hotel. This is what TechFairy had to say about it: 'Hmmm the 'Rabbit Hole' a very nice room to make new friends and chat, its constantly full with atlest 2 - 3 people in it all the time, is it because of the 'Disco Plaque' or because of the 'Habbo Special edition trophy? Who will ever know?..

Originally Posted on: Habbox.com http://habbox.com/#!/forum/viewtopic.php?p=39650 (Link now removed)
Disco Plaque In .co.uk!!!!
Someone informed me of a room. I went there and what did I see? A disco Plaque in .co.uk!!! Noooo It wasn't scripted! And nooo It wasn't stolen from another hotel! It is written in.....ENGLISH! I am sure it is legal as the hobba (and tech team member) Jokerrrr was there!
If you don't believe me Just search Herbamania and go to rabbit hole!!
*UPDATE: When you click it it's spelt wrong! It is spelt "Disco Plague" Instead of "Disco Plaque" Like it should be!
*UPDATE: He said it's gone, never to be seen again! Because he doesn't want it. I would be happy to take it off his hands!

REMOVED: Finnish Plasto on HabboUK:
What: This is a single plasto chair (pink) that either had two names or was never changed to the English equiverlent.
How: When you clicked on (some? maybe all...) pink plasto back in 2001-2004 (ish) they'd show up as the Finnish name.
Code: It would just of been a fuck up in the external texts back then.

Furniture Far Outside of the Walls
What: This old script allowed you to place furniture far outside the walls of a room... since the FlashClient was released all the furniture outside walls (Unless it's in the doorway) jumped to the top of the stackmap.
How: I'm not 100% sure how this script was done... it may of been a heightmap exploit, or a value editing script (like the original Poster ANYWHERE in Black method).
Code: The packet is totally normal, just placed in part of the floormap that happens to be outside the walls...

Furniture Pile:
What: When lots of the same furniture is placed ontop of each other (In the Flashclient) they get blackboxes around them (In InternetExplorer) and also create crazy amounts of lag.
How: Just place lots of furniture ontop of each other - it'll work with any furniture as long as you have like 400+ of them.
Code: I have no idea why this glitch happens...

What: In a few scripters rooms these posters have started appearing.
How: This posters is the result of the FI Poster exploit (And probably comedy posters) being patched badly.
Code: Packet coming soon.

Wall and Flooring as Objects:
What: This weird bug makes the wall and flooring in rooms appear as the ID-objects instead of colours.
How: I'm not sure how this was done... I asumed it may have something to do with the Posters To Wall/Floor Colour script but I'm not so sure now due to the owners of the rooms this occurs in.
Code: There's nothing that interesting about the code, but here's an example-packet of the bug: ZXC - packet coming soon.

Hotel Maintenance Pages.
What: I always see people amazed that by putting Admin/Manager/Server-Status/Server-Info/etc into a Habbo URL you come to the maintenance page...
How: There's a few Illigal words/phrases that will take you to a maintenance page, here's an example: Admin Example.
Code: The reason this happens is because Sulake have used their .htaccess file to limit access to certain pages! This is not a weird glitch etc, the Maintenance page is Habbo's 403 Error page (The "Forbidden" error).

REMOVED: The Null Rooms:
What: This is a weird glitch that was around for quite a few years.
How: You use to be able to just search null in the navigator and it would come up.
How it was done: I ASSUME the main reason this happened is because the client nulled the "null"... i.e. it decided null liturally meant there was nothing there... then it was done by either having chrs in the room description OR since there was technically null/nothing there it replaced it with the room description... (due to the room name and room description being only seperated by a Chr13 in the packets).
Code: [Not known, I never checked and I assume few other people knew about it]

REMOVED: Evilsm Search Bug:
What: This is a weird glitch that was possibly around for years.
How: You use to be able to just search evilsm in the user search and the error would appear.
Code: [Not known, Sulake refused to tell us]

HabboHomes Competition Stickers as InClient Presents.
What: In 2009 there was a campagne to do with a film called Percy Jackson: The Lightning Theif. During this campagne many people won Homepage stickers, problem was the first time Sulake gave them out they sent them as inclient (un-openable) present! They then later sent them again properly.
How: I assume you had to partake in some actvity to be rewarded the stickers... I'm not sure, I've ALWAYS ignored competitions...
Code: Present open attempt code - coming soon (If I find someone with a present that'll let me borrow thier account).

Cheap/Short HC/VIP Subscription:
What: This weird glitch allows you to buy cheap/short HC/VIP subscriptions.
How: When you loadup the Subscription catalogue page for a split second it shows this special offer... if you setup a auto-mouseclicker you can easily buy these offers.
Code: [I'm not entirely sure why this happens to be honest].

Invisible Drink:
What: This is a glitch that allows you to make any handitem invisible.
How: Basically you just get a drink and them make your character wave.
Code: [I'm not 100% sure... it'd make more sence if you dropped your arm, then I'd say that you character is nulled when you wave, like it is when you dance... but that's not the case so I'm not sure].

Invisible Lido Soda:
What: How to get an invisible drink in the Lido room.
How: Ask the roombot for a "Soda" (Lime/Beetroot).
Code: Gives you the Handitem 22/23 which are handitems without images.

REMOVED: Invisible Camera:
What: This is a famous glitch (from v3-v7 ish) that allows you to make your camera appear invisible.
How: Basically all you need to do is open your camera (shoot) and then just walk through a linking teleporter!
Code: Teleporters re-set your handitems (like drinks etc) but because a Camera has a panel, the panel stays up and although the handitem is still reset, the client gets confused about the fact you still have the handitem; so it keeps your hand in the drink-item position.

Invisible Character:
What: This is a glitch that allows you to become invisible.
How: You need to buy the "invisible" option from the Effects menu and then cover your character in as much pink as you can.
Code: I'm not totally sure why this works, but it'll be because Sulake totally filter out the pink-colour when you use the Invisibility effect.

Invisible/Black Walls and Floor:
What: This is a glitch that allows you to make your walls appear invisible/black.
How: You need to pain them both red (the colour&pattern in the picture below work best); then place and open a moodlight; set it to the darkest blue you can (background only); now click apply.
Code: This works because Red and Black tints (in Habbo) together make a black colour.

Ass-Sliding (Moving While in the Sitting state):
What: You can move toward the door of a room scooting on your ass (Aka: Moving while in the Sitting state).
1.) Click your avatar.
2.) Select Actions.
3.) Open the Navigator.
4.) Click the HotelView button on the Navigator, then quickly press the Sit action.
Code: [Not added yet].

Exploding/Invisible Presents:
What: How to make a present loop the explosion animation or go invisible.
Exploding: Use the Do-Action and Repeat WIRED consoles to open a present with credit-costing gift wrapping.
Invisible: Do as above, then stop the WIRED loops. The present will now be invisible unless you Zoom-in & out rapidly

Old Colours on Mannequin:
What: How to make Mannequins display the old Habbo avatar colours.
How: All you need to do is go on an old Habbo account with the old avatar colours and own & use a mannequin.
Code: [Not added yet].

Sitting In Doorways:
What: Allows you to sit on a layer above the wall/doorframe.
How: Just use "sit" while in the doorway.
Code: Your avatar must be bought forward past the wall-layer when using /sit/ no idea why.

Secret Placement Square:
What: There's a hard-to-find pixel, that when you hover over, opens up square in the bottom-left corner.
How: Just hover over the pixel that links the: main-wall, wall-side, floor-top and floor-side.
Code: No idea why this happens, it's not in the floormap, must have something to do with the door square or something?

The "Old School" public room (explanation):
This room was made to remember project: Mobiles Disco.
This was Sampo Karjalainen and Aapo Kyrölä (the later founders of Habbo) first real Habbo-like project.
It was made in 1999 and looked very similar to the two "Old School" public rooms (Not quite as many rooms as the current Habbo!), almost identicle infact!
The characters were a lot less well drawn, coded etc compaired to Habbo. The characters from Mobiles Disco, infact, looked like the character on the poster in the first "Old School" room.
Back then all you could do was: Chat, move, dance and grab drinks... but if you look at images from it, you can CLEARLY see an early HabboHotel in the making!

The "SnowStorm" game origins (explanation):
The SnowStorm minigame is bassed on an early project by Sampo Karjalainen and Aapo Kyrölä (the later founders of Sulake/Habbo) it was entitled Lumisota which translates as "Snow Wars".
They were hired to make this game, unlike the previous Mobiles Disco project (see The "Old School" public room (explanation)).
The Snow Wars room back then had a VERY similar layout to the updated game now: Snowball-machines, trees, ice-walls, face-planting when hit, health bars, Five snow balls... very similar indeed!

REMOVED: Carrots in the Picnic Area:
What: This is a small easteregg that lets you pick carrots from the small carrot-plot.
How: Double-click on the carrot-plot inside the picnic area room.
Code: They've basically made the carrot-plot a hotspot that gives your account the carrot handitem.

Jumping Stickers:
What: If you write on stickies (That have been placed pre-2003) then click the X they will jump to the corner of the room.
How: You needed to place them when the wallmap worked differently - remember when posters/stickers etc overlapped furniture in old rooms? Same kinda glitch.
Code: I'm not totally sure what Sulake did to make this weird glitch happenen... never looked properly.

Permanently Selected Buttons:
What: This little bug (That works on most programs/games etc...) allows you to permanently select most buttons on Habbo.
How 1: The easiest method is the obvious one: Click the button and then change to another program/file (Alt+Tab OR Win+Tab) to overlap the Habbo-client.
How 2: Another method (Used in the picture below) works with buttons under the ID-image space, all you have to do is click the button and then fill the speech-bar with fish (¬) or something, then release the button when the speech-bar overlaps it.
How 3: Another common method (Used in other programs/games) is to left-click, then right-click, let go of the left-button and then the right button... I don't think this method works on Habbo though, haven't tried.
Code: Basically when you select a button (Push it down) you use a code similar to this: LeftClick_Down... when you let go of the button it then uses something similar to: LeftClick_Up - but since we're swapping the screen/overlapping the button the program never reaches the button-release code so it just stays selected!
Examples: It works with most buttons so I thought I'd give you a few examples: Pet Menu - Catalogue & Error Message - MS Paint

RooftopRumble: Tag Cam Photos:
What: This is a method that allows you to take pictures of various things you shouldn't be able to: purse/catalogue/stickies/photos/console/etc.
How: If you go into the RooftopRumble, put your camera above the TagCam (Top-Right corner) and wait until it selects a Habbo to watch. Then hover the item you wanna take a picture of over that Habbo, now quickly take a photo.
Code: [I seem to have lost it... but I think the header was TG? I may be wrong].

Lido: Walking on Water:
What: This is a glitch that allows you to walk on water in the Lido's second room (Access it by walking to the far right of the first room).
How: You can walk on any of the squares closest to the wall in the third small pool.
Code: Sulake wrote the floormap incorrectly... they accidently made those few squares into walk-squares instead of swim-squares.

Swim On Land:
What: This allows you to be in the Swimming state outside of the waterpatch area.
How: You need to rotate a 2seater-Sitting state furniture (Best done on rotating with a 0.5 timer using Wired) so you are in the sitting position while hovering over the waterpatch and move off the sofa while your head-falls off!
Code: [Not added yet].

Respect Arm In Water:
What: Unlike the wave/sign/handitems the respect command isn't prevented in "Deep" water patches.
How: Just use the respect command (_B) in a "Deep" water patch.
Code: Just the respect command while in the swim state.

Logout Message:
What: This is just a little feature that allows you to inject your own text and even perform a few little XSS exploits on Habbo's homepage!
How: Change the words at the end of this URL: http://www.Habbo.co.uk/account/disconnected?reason=Message Goes Here.
Code: The page is created with some PHP features, this includes the logout message. The logout message itself is a variable called reason, you can change the string inside this variable just like you'd do with any normal PHP vars.

Writing on a Full Sticky:
What: This little trick lets you write on stickys even if they're full (unless they're full using this method!).
How: First you need to type your message (make sure the message is quite short and typed in a program you can copy and paste from). Next, add a random letter/number/character to the end of the message (eg. ShenkX@), now copy the message and paste it at the end of the sticky (If it doesn't paste, make it a little shorter) now click the "X" and ta-da, re-open and scroll down!
Code: It must be to do with some bug in the way it limits characters/text - allowing copy&pasted text but not written...

Font Character Spacing (10th/30th):
What: This is a spacing glitch that happens on every 10th and/or 30th spacing of text (Observable anywhere with this text type - which is pretty much every where).
How: Any string, longer than 10/30 characters, show the glitch.
Code: [Not checked, but some fontface based glitch].

REMOVED: Bypassing the Sticky Character Limit Using Apostrophies.
What: Back in v3 ish I remember there was a little trick that allowed you to go past the sticky character limit... it also explained why a few furniture's had ? instead of '.
How: All you had to do was fill a sticky with apostrophies (') and then press the X to close the sticky... then, when you re-opened it, it'd be full of question marks (?).
Code: When you use an unknown character in a font-type it will turn into a question mark... I assume Habbo's font face (Voltar) doesn't support that type of apostrophy... or Sulake accidently coded it out of something... I'm not sure why it happened but it's fixed now.

Disco Room: Floormap error:
What: This is a glitch that lets you put your box-cursor inside a wall.
How: All you need to do it hover over the wall.
Code: Sulake wrote the floormap incorrectly allowing you to potentially move into the wall, although something else has stopped that from working.

Disco Room: Random light
What: There's a random hovering light outside of the Disco room's second room - no idea why...
How: If you go into the second part of the disco room (through the doorway) it should just... be there.
Code: I assume (though I haven't looked) that they've put a lighting effect a few inches to the left of where it should be.

Picnic Area: Floormap error 1:
What: This is a glitch that lets you put your box-cursor outside into the black-area.
How: All you need to do it hover over the black-area.
Code: Sulake wrote the floormap incorrectly allowing you to potentially move into the black area, although other obstacles stop that from working.

Picnic Area: Floormap error 2:
What: This is a glitch that lets you put your box-cursor outside into the black-area.
How: All you need to do it hover over the black-area.
Code: Sulake wrote the floormap incorrectly allowing you to potentially move into the black area, although other obstacles stop that from working.

- Tutorial was written by Alex (Shenk.)
Any errors in this tutorial should be emailed to or reported on the ShoutBox.